L  a  G r a n  E n c i c l o p e d i a   I l u s t r a d a  d e l   P r o y e c t o  S a l ó n  H o g a r



Chapter 6



My Houseboat




Proyecto Salón Hogar



   Hello. My name is Kim and this is our houseboat. On the top deck, at the front, is the kitchen. There is a stove, a table and four chairs. Behind the kitchen is the living room. There is a sofa and a television. There are pictures on the wall.


   Below the kitchen is the bathroom. There is a toilet and a sink, and there is a tub with a shower. Behind the kitchen and under the living room, is my bedroom, called a cabin. My bedroom is very comfortable. There is a bed, a dresser with a mirror and a desk with my computer.




Write the different names of the rooms in the house boat.


   1. ______________________________


   2. ______________________________


   3. ______________________________


   4. ______________________________




Circle the correct word.


   1. The living room is (below / above) the cabin.


   2. This boat has (one / two) decks.


   3. The bathroom is on the (first / second) deck.


   4. The kitchen is (over / below) the bathroom.




Would you like to live in a houseboat? Explain.








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Match the actions with the pictures.




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Complete the questions.


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Answer the questions.


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Defender of the Planet

   Clinton Hill was a very special boy. He died of cancer when he was only 11 years old, but people still remember his work to save the planet. Clint called himself "a defender of the planet and a nature lover". When he was seven years old, he made a poster that said we needed to understand nature. He decided he wanted to become a scientist or an inventor to help protect the earth. Clint started a club called Kids for Saving the Earth.

   Today, more than 7,000 school from all over the world belong to this club. The kids from these schools are working hard to protect the environment. They do projects to protect the land, air, water and all living creatures. You can find more information about this club on the Internet and become a member! Go to www.kidsforsavingearth.org.



   1. What did Clinton call himself?


   2. What happened to him at 11?


   3. What did he do to save the planet?



Write true or false.

   1. ___________ When he was nine, he made posters about nature.

   2. ___________ Clint started a club to save the earth.

   3. ___________ Only a few schools belong to this club.

   4. ___________ Kids in the club work hard to protect the environment.


Investigate and write.

   What are your school and community doing to protect the earth?





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