L  a  G r a n  E n c i c l o p e d i a   I l u s t r a d a  d e l   P r o y e c t o  S a l ó n  H o g a r


Chapter 4: A Happy Visitor



Read the passage. Then answer questions about the passage below.

  Proyecto Salón Hogar


  It is Thursday. It is raining today. It is a rainy day. Anna is inside the house. Anna is watching TV. Anna is watching TV

inside the house. Anna cannot go outside.  It is raining outside. Anna cannot go outside because it is raining outside.

Anna is bored. Wait! Anna hears someone at the door. Someone is at the door of her house. Anna opens the door. What

does Anna see? Anna sees a dog. The dog is small. Anna sees a small dog. The dog is wet. The dog is wet from the rain.

   "Awww! You are all wet!" Anna says to the dog. "You are very cute!" "Mom!" Anna says. "Yes dear?" says Anna's mom.

"There is a dog here! There is a dog at the door!" Anna says.

   "What?" says Anna's mom. "A dog?" Anna's mom comes to the door. Anna's mom sees the wet dog. The wet dog

looks cute. "Can we keep it?" asks Anna. "Yes, we can," says Anna's mom. The dog is happy.



1) What is the name of the girl in the story?

   A. ____________________

2) What day of the week is it in the story?

   B. ____________________

3) What is at the door of the house?

   A. a man

   B. a cat

   C. a dog

   D. a snake

4) What happens at the end of the story?

   A. Anna keeps the dog.

   B. Anna takes the dog to the hospital.

   C. Anna’s mom says she cannot keep the dog.

   D. Anna dries the dog with a towel.           


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5) Is the dog dry or wet?

   A. The dog is dry.

   B. The dog is wet.


6) How does the dog look?

     Check all that are correct.

   __ A. cute

   __ B. strong

   __ C. small

   __ D. angry

Do you think Anna should keep the dog? Why or why not?





Griffin’s Talents

Directions: Read the story. Then answer the questions below.

  Griffin plays the violin. He takes lessons after school on Tuesdays. Griffin’s violin teacher is Mr. Thomas. Mr. Thomas

tells Griffin to practice every day. Griffin practices his violin on most days.

   On the days Griffin does not practice his violin, he plays soccer with his friends or fixes old clocks for fun. “You are a boy

of many talents,” Griffin’s parents tell him. “That means you are good at doing many things.”

   Griffin likes when his parents say this to him. He loves playing the violin. He loves playing soccer. He loves fixing clocks.

Griffin loves to do many things, but he does not have the time to do them all every day.


1) What does Griffin play?

     Check all that are correct.

   __ A. board games

   __ B. the piano

   __ C. soccer

   __ D. the violin

2) When does Griffin take violin lessons?

   A. on Tuesdays after soccer

   B. on Thursdays after soccer

   C. on Tuesdays after school

   D. on Thursdays after school


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3) When does Mr. Thomas tell Griffin to practice?

   A. every day

   B. most days

   C. only on Tuesdays

   D. when he wants to


4) When does Griffin practice the violin?

   A. every day

   B. most days

   C. never

   D. only on Tuesdays

5) How does Griffin feel about the violin?

   A. He loves it.

   B. He thinks it is hard.

   C. He hates to practice.

   D. He does not like the sound.

6) What things does Griffin love to do?

     Check all that are correct.

   __ A. read books

   __ B. fix old clocks

   __ C. build birdhouses

   __ D. play soccer with his friends


7) What does Mr. Thomas teach Griffin?

   A. to play soccer

   B. to fix old clocks

   C. to play the violin

   D. to build birdhouses


8) What does it mean to have many talents?

   A. to want to do a lot

   B. to be good at playing the violin

   C. to be busy doing many things

   D. to be good at doing a lot of things


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9) How come Griffin does not play the violin every day?

   A. He does not like the violin.

   B. He wants to play the piano.

   C. He is busy doing other things.

   D. His mom says not to play every day.


Do you have a talent? What is it? If not what talent would you like to have?







Seeing Stars

Directions: Read the story. Then answer the questions below.

  Yana is my mother. Tony is my father. My name is Sasha.

We live in a red house. We have a blue car. We sit in the yard at night.

   We look at the stars. Father tells me the stars make him happy.

Mother tells me the stars make her want to sing.

   I like to guess how many stars are in the sky. We hear a baby cry next door.

My mother sings.

   The baby stops crying. We think he heard my mother’s pretty song.

We all smile.


1) Who is Yana?

   A. Sasha's father

   B. Sasha’s mother

   C. Tony's father

   D. Tony’s mother

2) What color is Sasha's house?

   A. __________________

3) Who is telling the story?

   A. Father

   B. Mother

   C. Sasha

   D. The baby



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4) When do they sit in the yard?

   A. _________________


5) How do the stars make Sasha's father feel?

   A. Funny.

   B. Happy.

   C. Like counting.

   D. Like singing.


6) What happens when Mother sings?

   A. A friend comes by.

   B. Father gets sleepy.

   C. Sasha counts stars.

   D. The baby stops crying.

7) What does Sasha like to do when she sees the stars?

   A. She likes to sit in the car.

   B. She likes to hold the baby.

   C. She likes to sing with her mother.

   D. She likes to guess how many there are.

8) What do Mother, Father and Sasha do at the end of the story?

   A. They cry.

   B. They laugh.

   C. They smile.

   D. They talk





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The Snow Day


Directions: Read the story below.  Then finish it with your own writing.


  My sister woke me up early this morning. She ran into my room before the alarm clock went off. “Look outside!” she



   I got out of bed and looked out the window. All that I could see was white snow! There was a man shoveling the

sidewalk in front of our house.


   Mom came into the room. She brought us each a mug of hot chocolate. “No school today!” she said. I was very happy.

My sister was happy, too. 


   Mom left the room to find our snow clothes. She gave me my blue snowsuit. She also gave me a hat and mittens. 

“What are you going to do today with no school?” she asked.










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Grammar: Common Nouns

   Nouns are words that tell you the names of people, places, things, or ideas in whatever you are reading. A noun can have two forms, singular (one) or plural (more than one). There are two types of nouns, common and proper.

A common noun is talking about something in general and does not begin with a capital letter.

   Example: town, dog, man

List ten common nouns.

   1. ______________________

   2. ______________________

   3. ______________________

   4. ______________________

   5. ______________________

   6. ______________________

   7. ______________________

   8. ______________________

   9. ______________________

 10. ______________________


Circle the common nouns in the paragraph.

   Sunset is the time of day where our sky meets the outer space solar winds. There are blue, pink, and purple swirls,

spinning and twisting like a cloud of balloons caught in a blender. The sun moves slowly beyond the horizon, while the

moon races to take its place in prominence atop the night sky. People slow to a crawl, entranced, fully forgetting the

deeds that still must get done. There is a coolness… a calmness… whenever the sun does set.


Proper nouns always begin with a capital letter because it is the name of a specific person, place, thing, or idea.

   Examples: Charles

In each sentence circle the proper noun.

   1. Robert does not like to go to work on the weekends.

   2. I lived in Florida for many years.

   3. The country of Great Britain is very nice in the summer.

   4. My dog's name is Clarence.

   5. Saturday is my favorite day in the week.


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In the categories listed below write two proper nouns for each one.

   1. people: _________________________________________________

   2. places: _________________________________________________

   3. books: __________________________________________________

   4. movies: _________________________________________________

   5. singers: _________________________________________________

   6. television programs: ________________________________________

   7. music: __________________________________________________

   8. sports teams: _____________________________________________


Circle the subject in each sentence. Write the predicate of each sentence below.

   1. My brother went to the store at night.


   2. The young man was dressed in a suit and tie.


   3. My grandmother was the guest of honor at the family reunion.


   4. The large tree was beautiful with all of the vines and greenery hanging.


   5. When she cried the tears ran down her face.



Connect the proper nouns with the common nouns.

   __ 1. California                             A. car

   __ 2. Paul                                      B. game

   __ 3. Selena                                 C. state

   __ 4. Connect Four                      D. man

   __ 5. Toyota Corolla                    E. singer


Writing: Brainstorming and Clustering

   The form of prewriting that helps you to develop your ideas about a topic is called brainstorming. Brainstorming can help you narrow down a topic that has too much information available, broaden a topic that has little known information, and organize your ideas on a particular subject.

Here is an example of a cluster. Robert is writing about friends.



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Use these topics and practice brainstorming.

   1. life

   2. fun

Now write a cluster about your family.


Drafting: Write two or three sentences to describe your family.






Editing: Read the draft you wrote above and check your spelling, grammar, and punctuation for errors. Also check your capitalization of proper nouns in your writing.

Proofreading: Now write a finalized version and reread your writing to ensure that all is correct before the last step.

Publishing: Share your sentences with your fellow classmates.


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Vocabulary: Dividing Syllables

Directions: Find the word that has been divided into syllables correctly and circle it.

Teacher sounds like tea–cher.

   Example: TEACHER:

                     A. t–eacher
                     B. tea–cher (correct!)
                     C. teach–er
                     D. te–acher



   A. l-adder

   B. la–dder

   C. lad–der

   D. ladd–er



   A. f–ancy

   B. fan–cy

   C. fa–ncy

   D. fanc–y



   A. gian–t

   B. gia–nt

   C. gi–ant

   D. g–iant



   A. a–rrive

   B. ar–rive

   C. arr–ive

   D. arriv–e



   A. gram–mar

   B. gr–ammar

   C. gramm–ar

   D. gra–mmar



   A. ea–ten

   B. eat–en

   C. e–aten

   D. eate–n



   A. daydr–eam

   B. day–dream

   C. da–ydream

   D. d–aydream



   A. ha–ppy

   B. happ–y

   C. hap–py

   D. h–appy



   A. capt–ain

   B. ca–ptain

   C. cap–tain

   D. captai–n



   A. dis–ease

   B. disea–se

   C. di–sease

   D. diseas–e



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