L  a  G r a n  E n c i c l o p e d i a   I l u s t r a d a  d e l   P r o y e c t o  S a l ó n  H o g a r


Chapter 5: I Fly



Read the passage. Then answer questions about the passage below.

  Proyecto Salón Hogar


  I fly airplanes for work. I am a pilot. Sometimes, I take my little girl with me. Her name is Bristol. Bristol likes to look out

the window of the airplane. She likes to look at the clouds. She thinks the clouds look like animals. She points at one with

her finger. "I see a giraffe!" she says. I also have a little boy.

   My little boy does not like to be up high. He does not come with me on the airplane. He likes to play airplane with me.

We play airplane when I get home. We run around the yard. We wave our arms in the air. We make airplane noises.


1) Who is telling this story?

   A. Bristol.

   B. A little boy.

   C. A pilot.

   D. A friend.

2) What does Bristol like to do in the airplane?

   A. Look out the window.

   B. Run in the yard.

   C. Sit in the back.

   D. Be the pilot.


3) Bristol points at something outside the window.

     What does she point at?

   A. A giraffe.

   B. Her dad.

   C. A cloud.

   D. A tree.


4) Why doesn't the little boy like to fly?

   A. ________________________________________


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Literature: Literary Genres

   Literature is categorized into literary genres for easily finding the selection of reading you are looking for. Imaginary or invented literature is known as fiction. Literature that is about historical events or real life people is known as nonfiction.

   Also literature can be categorized by form and by topic. Form describes how the text is written. Sometimes the text is long , short, in prose, or in verse, etc. Topic refers to what the text is about.


Literature Form

Literature Topic



short stories
science fiction













Mark the literary genres N-nonfiction and F-fiction

   __ 1. poetry

   __ 2. diary

   __ 3. novel

   __ 4. short story

   __ 5. essay

Label the literary genres that interest you the most.

   __ 1. short story

   __ 2. poetry

   __ 3. essay

   __ 4. novel

   __ 5. other


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Rainy Day

Directions: Read the story. Then answer the questions below.

  My name is Mimi. Today is July 5th, 2010. Today is a rainy day. I am happy today. Why am I happy? I am happy

because it is raining! Is that strange?

   Maybe. But I like it when it rains. The rain makes me happy. I like rainy days. I do not like sunny days.

I like the sound of the rain. I like the clouds. The clouds are gray. The clouds are big.

   I like the rain.



1) What is my name?

   A. __________________

2) What is the date today?

   A. March 4th, 2012

   B. July 5th, 2010

   C. April 10th, 1990

   D. November 28th, 1987


3) Why am I happy?

   A. because it is your birthday

   B. because you passed the test

   C. because it is raining

   D. because you won the game


4) Do I like sunny days?

   A. Yes.

   B. No.


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5) What color are the clouds?

   A. red

   B. blue

   C. gray

   D. green


6) What do I like about the rain?

     Check all that are correct.

   __ A. the sound

   __ B. the smell

   __ C. the clouds

   __ D. the temperature

A Call to the Pool

Directions: Read the story. Then answer the questions below.


  Today is very hot. The sun is very strong. I am hot. I want to be cool. How can I get cool? Wait... I know! I can go to the

pool. The pool is cool.

   I can swim in the pool. Is the pool open? Or, is the pool closed? Where is the phone? I need to call the pool. I need to

find out if the pool is open or closed.

— Ring! Ring! —

   "Hello. My name is Andrea. I am at the pool. Can I help you?" ―"Hi Andrea."

   "Is the pool open?". "Yes. The pool is open." ―"Okay. Thank you!" ―"You are welcome."

   "Bye!" Great! The pool is open! Now I can cool down!



1) What is the weather like today?

   A. It is cold.

   B. It is cool.

   C. It is warm.

   D. It is hot.



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2) I am hot, but I want to be _____.

   A. cold

   B. cool

   C. warm

   D. hot

3) How can I get cool?

   A. I can go to the library.

   B. I can go to the pool.

   C. I can go to the school.

   D. I can go to work.

4) Who do I talk to at the pool?

   A. ________________

5) Is the pool open?

   A. Yes, the pool is open.

   B. No, the pool is not open. The pool is closed.

Sentence Completion

Directions: Circle the best word to complete each sentence.


                        1) Blue is a color.

                           A. food
                           B. number
                           C. color (Correct!)
                           D. car

2) Russia is a _____.

   A. country

   B. city

   C. street

   D. number

3) Tennis is a _______.

   A. country

   B. sport

   C. fruit

   D. color

4) An apple is a _______.

   A. fruit

   B. number

   C. language

   D. color


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5) English is a _______.

   A. city

   B. sport
   C. number

   D. language


6) Five is a _______.

   A. color

   B. number

   C. city

   D. language

7) A dog is _______.

   A. a color

   B. a country

   C. a city

   D. an animal

8) Los Angeles is a _______.

   A. number

   B. city

   C. color

   D. language

9) Tina is a _______.

   A. girl

   B. food

   C. drink

   D. color

10) Mr. Jones is a _______.

   A. number

   B. city

   C. language

   D. man




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   Myths are traditional stories handed down through generations of families to teach social, religious, and moral values. A long time ago before books were made the people memorized, retold, and created myths. The stories changed over time through the generations but the story's main idea stayed the same.  Many of the myths you read today are handed down from ancient times and written in a book.

   1. What were myths used for?


   2. What did the people do before books?


Vocabulary: Context Clues

   If you don't know what a word means you can use context clues to help you. Context clues are found when reading the rest of the sentence to try to "guess" the words meaning that you do not know. When you practice more using context clues you will see a faster understanding of the reading.

Write the meaning of the word underlined.

   1. The yard was silent. You couldn't hear a sound. ________________________________________

   2. Frozen bananas are the best. They taste better cold. ____________________________________

   3. What time is it? My clock is broke. __________________________________________________

   4. Fries are good with ketchup sometimes. _____________________________________________

   5. This car is useless with a flat tire. ___________________________________________________

The Thesaurus

   A reference book that offers synonyms and antonyms instead of definitions is called a thesaurus. Just like in a dictionary the words are listed in alphabetical order for easy reference. A thesaurus makes a writers life much easier because they have more of a variety of words to choose from in case they need help finding new words.

   Example: The man smirked at the cook when his food was not ready yet.
                     - in this case "smirked" replaced "smiled sly"

Use a thesaurus and place a synonym on the line to complete the sentences.

   1. I am (very tired) _____________ and ready for bed.

   2. She is a (very pretty) ______________ woman in that dress.

   3. My favorite (a cold drink) ______________ is milk.

   4. The man (vanished) ______________ into the night.

   5. She was (very happy) ______________ with her school grades.

Use these clues to define a verb.



   1. crawl, move up

   2. to have an odor


   3. make undirty, unclutter


   4. be employed, exert one self


   5. to ask for attention


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Grammar: Singular and Plural Nouns

   The difference between singular nouns and plurals nouns is easy to tell. A singular noun is only one person, place, thing, or idea. A plural noun is more than one person, place, thing, or idea. When a singular noun designates one particular group of people, places, things, or ideas these singular nouns are called collective nouns.

   Examples: colony, nest, huddle, flock, army

Find three collective nouns

   1. ___________________   2. ____________________   3.   ____________________

   Count or noncount nouns are yet another classification of singular nouns.

When something can be counted it is a count noun.

   Example: shoe, button, wheel

On the other hand noncount nouns are words that describe something that is not countable and does not have a plural form.

   Example: oil, powder, sugar

Mark the noncount nouns.

   __ 1. water

   __ 2. salt

   __ 3. boot

You can also turn a singular noun into a plural noun. Here are a few ways to change singular nouns into plural nouns.

- Add (s) to most singular nouns
   Examples: dog > dogs, paper > papers, fork > forks

- Add (es) to singular nouns ending in the consonants s, x, z, ch, and sh.
   Examples: fox > foxes, porch > porches, crush > crushes

- Add (es) when the singular noun has a y and change the y to an i.
   Examples: fly > flies, berry > berries, lady > ladies

- Sometimes a plural noun is irregular and the spelling changes.
   Examples: man > men, tooth > teeth, mouse > mice

Change these singular nouns into plural nouns. Use a reference if you need help.

   1. tooth __________________________

   6. foot  ____________________________

   2. river __________________________

   7. door ____________________________

   3. goose ________________________

   8. boy _____________________________

   4. plant __________________________

   9. baby ____________________________

   5. like ___________________________

 10. city _____________________________



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Spelling by Picture

Spell the following words correctly using the pictures on the right.


1. __ __ Z __ __ __                                                         



2. Z __ __ __ __                                                                  



3. __ H __ __ __                                                               


4. __ __ __ __ F F __                                                           




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5. K __ __ G A __ __ __                                              

6. C __ __ __ __                                                            

7. __ __ __ G __ __ __                                                           

8. __ __ __ I G A __ __ __                                              




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