L  a  G r a n  E n c i c l o p e d i a   I l u s t r a d a  d e l   P r o y e c t o  S a l ó n  H o g a r

In the Shop


1.- Vocabulary


61: sixty one
62: sixty two
70: seventy
75: seventy five
80: eighty
90: ninety
100: one hundred
101: one hundred and one
102: one hundred and two
103: one hundred and three
200: two hundred
300: three hundred
500: five hundred
1.000: one thousand
10.000: ten thousand
10.670: ten thousand six hundred and seventy
500.000: five hundred thousand
1.000.000: one million


£: pound
$: dollar
€: euro

£ 25,00: twenty five pounds
£ 1,50: one pound fifty pence
€ 450: four hundred and fifty euros
€ 67,90: sixty seven euros ninety
$ 9.500: nine thousand five hundred dollars
$ 110,78: one hundred and ten dollars seventy eight


1.A.- Practice

Write the following numbers

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2.- Grammar – Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Some nouns are countable

A book
three books
An* apple
three apples

* When a singular noun starts with "a", then the article is "an".

Some nouns are uncountable

Some rice
Some money

You do not know how much rice or how much money there is.

You can say:

• A kilo of rice
• A bag of rice
• A bowl of rice
• A £5 note


Some nouns are both countable and uncountable

Some ice cream
three ice creams


How much or How many?

We use How many with countable nouns.

• How many books do you have?
• How many apples do you eat a day?

We use How much with uncountable nouns

• How much rice do you have?
• How much wine is in the house?


2.A.- Practice

2.A.1.- Are the following countable or uncountable?

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2.A.2.- Write a, an or some

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2.A.3.- Complete the questions using how much or how many

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3.- Reading

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3.A.- Practice

Answer the questions

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