L  a  G r a n  E n c i c l o p e d i a   I l u s t r a d a  d e l   P r o y e c t o  S a l ó n  H o g a r

How do I get to….?


1.- Vocabulary

1.A.- Prepositions

On: encima/sobre
In: en
Next to: al lado de
In front of: delante de
Behind: detrás
Up: arriba
Down: abajo
Under: debajo de
Before: antes
After: después
Between: entre
Towards: hacia
Above: encima de
Opposite: enfrente de


Where is the computer?
Where are the windows?

The computer is on the table

The windows are next to the bed



Subject + Verb To be + preposition + object


The books are in front of the computer
A book is next to the computer


1.B.- Practice

A – Where is…..?

Try and use a different preposition for each question

(Para ver la ejemplos hacer click en el texto; doble click vuelve a posición original)


1.C.- Verbs of direction

To turn: girar
To turn right: girar a la derecha
To turn left: girar a la izquierda
To go straight ahead: ir todo recto
To turn around: dar la vuelta
To stop: parar
To cross: cruzar
To take: coger / tomar
To go past: pasar
To go up: subir
To go down: bajar


2.- Grammar – The Imperative

We use the imperative to give orders, instructions, directions and suggestions.

Imperatives do not have a subject


• Close the door.
• Sit down!


• Drink the orange juice.
• Boil the water


• Turn left and then go straight ahead
• Take the first road on the left.


The verb let is used as an imperative to give a suggestion.
Let’s is a contraction of let us.

• Let’s go home I’m tired
• Let’s have a party


For negative imperatives: Don’t + Infinitive

• Don’t listen to the radio.
• Don’t turn left

Exception: Let’s = Let’s not

• Let’s not go to the party
• Let’s not eat in the restaurant


2.A.- Practice

2.A.1.- Complete the sentences with the imperative.

(Para ver la solución hacer click en el texto; doble click vuelve a posición original)


2.A.2.- Complete the following instructions with these verbs: go, take, turn, cross.

(Para ver la solución hacer click en el texto; doble click vuelve a posición original)



(Para ver la traducción hacer click en el texto; doble click vuelve a posición original)


3.A.- Practice

3.A.1.- Which street would you go to if you wanted to…?

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3.A.2.- Answer the following questions

(Para ver la solución hacer click en el texto; doble click vuelve a posición original)