For - Since

P r o y e c t o   S a l ó n   H o g a r


Click the answer button to see the answer.

  1. She's lived here ___ 1975.
    a. for
    b. since

  2. He's been in London ___ five days.
    a. for
    b. since

  3. They haven't been used ___ many years.
    a. for
    b. since

  4. She's been working ___ nine this morning.
    a. for
    b. since

  5. I haven't eaten ___ hours.
    a. for
    b. since

  6. It has been raining ___ ages.
    a. for
    b. since

  7. India has been independant ___ 1947.
    a. for
    b. since

  8. They have been married ___ October.
    a. for
    b. since

  9. How many years is it ___ you graduated from junior high school?
    a. for
    b. since

  10. We have been waiting ___ twenty minutes.
    a. for
    b. since

w w w . p r o y e c t o s a l o n h o g a r . c o m