Proyecto Salón Hogar

Tutorías Interactivas con correcciones al momento

Estrategias hechas por maestros para subir notas y pasar de grado

1era. prueba 2da. prueba 3ra. prueba 4ta. prueba 5ta. prueba
Otros exámenes: 6to. grado  5to. Examen de Inglés : Profesora  Denise Cacho





 Citas célebres-I

 Citas célebres-II


 Diptongos e hiatos 

 El Universo

 Elementos Químicos


 Figuras Retóricas

 Geografía PR

 Himnos latinos







 Los planetas

 Meses del año



 Números Romanos






1. Choose the correct proper adjective for the proper noun: (Puerto Rico)
Puerto Rican
None of the above
6. Choose the correct way to write the underline words: My brother an me were trying to answer the question.
Me and my brother
My brother and I
I and my brother
Correct as it is
2. Identify the pronouns as subject pronoun, object pronoun, possessive pronoun, or indefinite pronoun: I am writing a report on ostriches.
subject pronoun
object pronoun
possessive pronoun
indefinite pronoun

7. Choose the correct way to write the underline words: Whose the greatest athlete of all time?
Correct as it is

3. Identify the pronouns as subject pronoun, object pronoun, possessive pronoun, or indefinite pronoun: Its skin is thin and bright red.
subject pronoun
object pronoun
possessive pronoun
indefinite pronoun
8. Choose the correct way to write the underline words: Most people are proud of they’re achievements.
correct as it is
4. Identify the pronouns as subject pronoun, object pronoun, possessive pronoun, or indefinite pronoun: Ostriches seem very powerful to me.
subject pronoun
object pronoun
possessive pronoun
indefinite pronoun
9. Choose the correct way to write the underline words: Didrikson won three events, She played very well.
events, she played
events? She played
events. They played
correct as it is
5. Identify the pronouns as subject pronoun, object pronoun, possessive pronoun, or indefinite pronoun: Many people love birds.
subject pronoun
object pronoun
possessive pronoun
indefinite pronoun
10. Choose the correct way to write the underline words: I will never forget her she was the best of all time.
forget her? She was
forget her. She was
forget her! She was
correct as it is